November 19, 2004
Playtime in the Pack N Play
Rebecca and Hannah have been working around the house quite a bit this week. They moved furniture, hung pictures, and cleaned out almost the entire garage. One of the many benefits of the new furniture configuration is that the Pack N Play is now downstairs and perfectly placed for curious Hannah to play while watching the dogs play in the backyard. I snapped a few pictures of one of her first visits to her “Clarion Classic Care Center.”
Observant visitors will note that Hannah is sporting her first wristwatch. Watches are one of my passions, so I thought long and hard about what type of wristwatch would be the best for a six-month-old girl. After much deliberation, I picked her up a doggie-print watch from Flik Flak, the children’s brand from the Swatch Group. The watch is colorful, sturdy, and perfectly sized for a pre-schooler on the move.
One of the Halloween photo’s from inspired me to have some Photoshop fun with one of my favorite shots of Rebecca and Hannah. Well, the ArtsyPretentious treatment is half inspired by Jamie, half by old Nuprin commercials. I like it. I'm a sucker for sepia, though.
Cool watch. If only they had Hello Kitty for Emma Grace.
Posted by: Marla at November 19, 2004 10:27 PMSwatch doesn't have the license to Hello Kitty, but there are over 300 Hello Kitty watches on eBay at this very moment.
Posted by: Dakota at November 20, 2004 08:03 AMI like the sepia spot colored pic. Nice! Sam doesn't like going in her playpen at all. After she gets over the initial shock of so many toys in such a small space, she realizes she is, in fact, in a cage.
Posted by: Jamie at November 22, 2004 12:56 PMYes...Emma was like that too. It really never worked out except as a good holding place for toys cluttering up the house. I was glad to put in away finally! Wonder if #2 will like it!
Posted by: Marla at November 22, 2004 02:17 PM