February 21, 2005
Hannah loves Daddy, DVDs
After a few weeks of near misses, young Miss Hannah now has mastered the art of crawling. She is lightening fast in moving from one part of the house to the other. The goal for each crawl usually fits into one of the following categories: 1) There is a dog toy that looks tasty; 2) Something must be climbed, and climbed quickly; or 3) The DVDs are out of order again.
Hannah is obsessed with DVDs. The containers are perfect for teething and our little bookshelf puts them all easily within her curious grasp. Rebecca shot quite a few photos of Hannah’s first discovery of the DVD treasure trove. We both thought it was an encouraging sign that Hannah’s first choices were Northern Exposure and The Wizard of Oz. She learns early, this little one.
There are also a few shots of Hannah wearing one of the beautiful outfits she received over the holidays. The old guy holding her isn’t too interesting, but she can take up the slack.
Hooray for good taste! There's nothing wrong with a little Clint Eastwood. Or LOTR, which she seems distressed about not being able to find instantly. As we all should be.
::officially the cutest thing EV4R!::
Posted by: pq at February 22, 2005 03:54 PMYeh...baby Hannah. So glad to see the new pictures! I was amazed when I saw her crawling two weeks ago..she'd just started. WOW!
Posted by: Todd (actually Marla) at February 26, 2005 03:46 PM