April 05, 2005
Adventures in Laundry
Hannah is moving around pretty well these days. She has mastered pulling herself up on almost any vertical surface, be it the arm of a chair or leg of a dog. Madison is extremely patient with her and happily sits by as Hannah uses him as an indoor swing set. Dakota has learned to keep his distance.
The latest batch of photos comes from one of Hannah’s explorations. Rebecca will not confirm this, but I strongly suspect she piled clothes on top of Hannah in an effort to keep her in one place for more than a moment. You can judge for yourself. She eventually made it to her destination, season two of Northern Exposure.
Whoa, the changes in expression from hella-cranky to determined are all kinds of amusing. Picture 13/20 is great... it's like she's just giving up and succumbing to the Laundry.
Still cute! :)))))
Posted by: pq at April 8, 2005 11:41 AM