April 11, 2005
Going to California ends; Sweet Home Chicago begins
I could easily write aimlessly about the progression of the Blues from the legendary Robert Johnson to the blue’s drenched classic rock of Led Zeppelin, but that would be a distraction from the real purpose of this post. Rebecca, Hannah and I are moving! After six great years in Southern California, the Tabor clan is headed back to Northern Illinois. We’ve sold our house in Rancho Santa Margarita and will be moved into our new home in the Chicago suburbs within the next week or two.
This move will be the last cross-country move for us in the foreseeable future. California is a great place to live and we’ve been happy here, but we wanted to have Hannah closer to her grandparents. Almost all of our family lives in the Chicago area. They have been great about visiting us, but it just isn’t the same as living a short car-ride away. So I’ll be returning once more to the Mother Road, famed Route 66, to guide me to our new place this weekend.
We are going to profoundly miss the family and friends we leave behind here. And I’m certainly going to miss the spectacular landscape, amazing weather, and very, very, ridiculously good looking people of Southern California. It is paradise. And California has been good to us. But Chicago has its own undeniable charms. It is one of the best cities on the planet and its surrounding ‘burbs are a great place to raise a family.
With this news out of the way, I can share some new pictures of Hannah! She seemed to enjoy having a large number of boxes in the house during the past few weeks. Many of the boxes were a good height for her to grab onto and there were enough of them in the living room that she could walk for quite a distance without having to let go. She didn’t seem to mind that all of her things were being put into boxes. Hannah also recently added climbing stairs, throwing dog toys, and decorating with toilet paper to her repertoire. It is a good thing we will have all of her grandparents nearby to help keep up with her.
Dad and I welcome all of you with open arms. I have so many emotions as I read your thoughts on the journey home. It will be absolutely amazing to be just a "car ride away". Hannah is the most beautiful and the smartest grandchild that ever lived. (Am I proud or what...Just practicing my bragging rites as her grandma). I know you and Dad will have a fantastic journey on Route 66.
Posted by: Bobbie Tabor at April 13, 2005 10:31 AMGood luck to you guys! I'm quite jealous. I love SoCal too, but I've been wanting to get back to St. Louis for all the same reasons you're moving back to Chicago. Fate has conspired against me so far, but I may have to sit fate down and have a stern talk with it soon.
Posted by: Jamie at April 13, 2005 11:20 AMIt is a joy watching everyone in the family playing with Hannah. She is a lucky and loved little girl. :-)
Posted by: Darren Tabor at April 13, 2005 11:42 AMThanks, Jamie. :-) I'll be coming back to San Diego on a regular basis for meetings, we'll have to get together. Maybe even launch a website or two. Have you been trying to work things out with FaTe, the famed game lawyer? Or are you taking about some other fate? ;-)
Posted by: Darren Tabor at April 13, 2005 11:48 AMI swear she gets cuter with every picture. She's already practicing her ninja skills, I see. No idea why Jason makes the "Don't Get Any Ideas!" face when I show him the photos. :) Skylar, his 2 year old niece, is letting us live vicariously in that respect, hah.
Well have a great trip, drive safe, and don't be a stranger!
Posted by: Larissa at April 13, 2005 01:04 PMGood luck Darren, I really envy you.
I just did two searches on realtor.com - one for Yorba Linda, ca and the other for Chicago, IL
4 bed, 3 bath, between 100k and 500k, single family
Yorba Linda (my town) returned 0 homes. Raising it to 1mil returns 40! No limit returns 102
Chicago returned 448. no limit.. 1421
Damn you and your affordable housing! ;-)
I'd move to a more moderately priced region as well, but it seems that most of my industry is out here in so cal. Well, that and I would probably wouldn't make it through my first real winter - I would probably be to mesmerized by the site of real falling snow.
Good luck Darren! Chicago is a wondeful city. Hannah is the sweetest little girl on the planet. Have a great trip!
Posted by: Milena at April 18, 2005 03:50 PM