May 23, 2005
Happy Birthday, Hannah!
We celebrated Hannah’s first birthday with a family gathering on May 15th. The party was a blast for us. This was the first time in the new Millennia that we’ve had a large gathering at our home and Hannah’s birthday was the perfect reason to roll out the welcome mat to our new home.
Hannah seemed to enjoy playing with her many cousins and friends. The age range of the kids was fairly large, but they all seemed to enjoy the food, playing catch with Madison, and beating a piñata senseless. Everyone warmly welcomed us back to Chicago and was very generous to the birthday girl. We hope that everyone had as much fun at the party as we did in putting it together.
I’ve posted almost every photograph I took on Hannah’s birthday, plus a few shots of Hannah playing in yet another box. If your dial-up connection won’t let you view them all, let me suggest a few of the highlights from the past few weeks: Hannah and Rebecca playing in a box, Hannah digging into her birthday cake, and a shot of a very happy birthday girl smiling across a sea of presents.
Hi you guys!
Ms. Di Lo gave me this site address to see photos of Hannah. Wow! What a great way to share your lives w/ family and friends. Looks like Hannah had a wonderful B-day! Rebecca, we miss you here at JMS, but you look happy back home. Keep in touch. Kim
Glad you all are doing well. She is too cute, cannot wait to see you guys hopefully soon.
Lucia and boys