December 16, 2005
California Girl, Meet Midwestern Snow
We are now knee-deep into our first Chicago winter since Rebecca and I moved to SoCal in 1999. I was dreading it, but it hasn’t been too bad so far. There have been a few key strategic purchases that we’ve had to make in the past couple of months, like buying boots, gloves, sweaters, ice scrapers, winter coats, and snow tires. And I did have to strain to remember how to get a house and cars ready for sub-zero temperatures. But we are now ready for just about anything that Mother Nature can throw at us.
Hannah seems to have enjoyed her first encounter with snow. She wasn’t too sure about it at first, but she loved that Madison and Dakota would eat any snowball she could throw. Rebecca took these pictures from the day of the first snow accumulation of the season. My personal favorites are the photos of a well-bundled Hannah on her snow-covered slide.