January 01, 2008
Day Trippin’ and Conventions – July 2007
One of my main resolutions for the New Year is to get the ol’ PlanetTabor back up-to-date. I have many great excuses as to why updating the website has slowed to a crawl, but none that explain away a Six Month Delay in posting photos. My goal is to post 2-3 months worth this week and post up through the Holidays by the middle of the month.
There 22 photos from July in the latest gallery. All four of were sick during the first few weeks of the month and I was busy with the HostingCon convention for work, so Rebecca stepped up and captured a few memories from various trips that she and the kids made in July. These shots range from Hannah’s favorite place (Brookfield Zoo) to her favorite activity (moon jump). There are even a few photos of Hannah dressed as a princess and Noah playing the xylophone thrown in for good measure.
Yay! We need more pictures. Todd also seems to be getting all caught up over at poweredbysteam.
Posted by: Jamie at January 4, 2008 02:13 PMDude! Emma would be all over that princess outfit! She loves going over to friends houses and trying on all the princess gear. She doesn't think I have an adequate collection for her! Oy!
Posted by: Marla at January 10, 2008 11:07 PMMarla - Dress up and princesses are HUGE over here these days. It is good to hear that a couple thousands of miles way the same forces are at work on Emma also. Does Henry end up dressed up as a princess also or Noah unique in this regard?
Jamie - I'm trying, man. You are kicking my butt in the quantity of posts and quality of photos...where do you find the time?