June 02, 2008
A Warm Welcome to a Cool Spring
It feels so good to be able to enjoy the outdoors again after a few months of snow, slush, and bitter temperatures. This may not be the warmest Spring for the Chicago area, but Hannah and Noah are taking every advantage of it. The first photos from April 2008 show them both enjoying the weather and posing in one of the trees in our back yard. You can’t see it, but you can imagine Rebecca standing just off camera with a look of building terror on her face as the kids sit suspended 6 feet above the ground.
I’ve also included a few shots of the kids before we headed off to a party. Hannah loves the camera and is happy to pose anytime. Noah will drop whatever he is doing and scream a hearty “Cheeseburger” the instant he sees anything that looks like a camera. He doesn’t seem to mind that he still has a bit of a black eye in these shots.
The final few photos in this set are from my office. Nothing too exciting there, but I sure do love the view. DevStart has been growing steadily and we moved into new office space last October. The sales team has much more room…but I will admit that I snagged the best view for myself.
Todd let Emma and Henry up on a tree like that the other day. I think I almost had a heart attack!
Posted by: Marla at June 3, 2008 10:54 PM