
These are some great folks that I've befriended over the years:
  • Cerebral Debris
  • : The brainchild of Christopher "shaithis" Buecheler, Cerebral Design is a blog-meets-resume-meets-short-story-showcase. shai is an outstanding designer and one of my buds from GameSpy.

  • Dearest Copernicus
  • : Joost "Don't give me a damn nickname" Schuur is the Developer Relations Manager at GameSpy and an ancient veteran of the early days of the World Wide Web. The only thing more impressive than his photographic memory is his unyielding interest in reality television.

  • : Caryn "Hellchick" Law is a true renaissance woman. She has a background in astrophysics, a deep love of action games, and she knits. HC is currently working all kinds of marketing magic at Activision.

  • : The blog for the entire Madigan clan, this website is the place to keep up with Jamie, Geralyn, and Samantha Madigan. Thrrrpptt! worked with me for years at GameSpy, but now he is putting his Ph.D to work at Sempra Energy.

  • : Powered by Steam is the home of our friends Todd, Marla, and Emma Northcutt. I've known Todd since the Netscape 1.0 era. He is currently managing projects like a fiend at the 'Spy.

These are but a few of the great gaming websites available today. I've also included a few retired websites for nostalgia:
  • : I was a huge fan of Capture-the-Flag modifications for first-person shooters. was the third incarnation of a CTF news site and my first network site on the GameSpy Network. The Captured section on PlanetQuake is a list of a few of the great websites that we hosted from 1998 - 2002.

  • FilePlanet
  • : FilePlanet was one of the first websites I was involved with at GameSpy. It was also the last website I worked on at GameSpy. She was a demanding mistress, but I'm very proud of the thriving business I left behind.